Fluo Tour: Read Lock Code

Tour page 14 of 28

  private static final Column WEIGHT_COL = new Column("stat", "weight");

  private static void exercise(MiniFluo mini, FluoClient client) {
    try (Transaction tx1 = client.newTransaction()) {
      tx1.set("kerbalnaut0001", WEIGHT_COL, "90");
      tx1.set("kerbalnaut0002", WEIGHT_COL, "70");
      tx1.set("kerbalnaut0003", WEIGHT_COL, "80");

    try (Transaction tx2 = client.newTransaction();
         Transaction tx3 = client.newTransaction();
         Transaction tx4 = client.newTransaction())
      int f1w1 = Integer.parseInt(tx2.withReadLock().gets("kerbalnaut0001", WEIGHT_COL));
      int f1w2 = Integer.parseInt(tx2.withReadLock().gets("kerbalnaut0003", WEIGHT_COL));
      tx2.set("flight0001", WEIGHT_COL, f1w1 + f1w2 + "");

      int f2w1 = Integer.parseInt(tx3.withReadLock().gets("kerbalnaut0001", WEIGHT_COL));
      int f2w2 = Integer.parseInt(tx3.withReadLock().gets("kerbalnaut0002", WEIGHT_COL));
      tx3.set("flight0002", WEIGHT_COL, f2w1 + f2w2 + "");

      tx4.set("kerbalnaut0001", WEIGHT_COL, "95");

      for(Transaction ctx : Arrays.asList(tx2,tx3,tx4)) {
        try {
        } catch (CommitException ce) {
          System.out.println("commit failed: "+ce.getMessage());

    try(Snapshot snap = client.newSnapshot()) {

Output :

commit failed: Collisions(1):kerbalnaut0001 stat weight
flight0001 stat weight  170
flight0002 stat weight  160
kerbalnaut0001 stat weight  90
kerbalnaut0002 stat weight  70
kerbalnaut0003 stat weight  80

Output for commit order Arrays.asList(tx4,tx2,tx3) :

commit failed: Collisions(1):kerbalnaut0001 stat weight
commit failed: Collisions(1):kerbalnaut0001 stat weight
kerbalnaut0001 stat weight  95
kerbalnaut0002 stat weight  70
kerbalnaut0003 stat weight  80

With this commit order tx4 gets a write lock on kerbalnaut0001:stat:weight which prevents tx2 and tx3 from getting read locks.

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